Anah Soble
Vice Chair
Carly Davis
Faye Schuette
Kassandra Mullen
Lorraine Vames
Mike DeMott
Randy Dickerson

The Beautification Committee was established to consider and propose programs that improve the physical appearance of the 
community and implement them as approved by the City Council. The Beautification Committee consists of nine (9) members
serving staggered three-year terms.

A note from the Committee Chair

"We are very excited to kick-off a new year of the Beautification Committee for the City of Farmington!  We have some amazing programs on the horizon for the 2025 calendar year!

Programs that our community can expect this year:

1) The Great Farmington Clean-up - An amazing program for our community to come together and clean-up our city!  This event will occur in April and be a fun filled day with community members to come together, meet new people and win some prizes!

2) Bootification - We are excited to bring this Farmington Halloween tradition back to the city! 

3)Community Garden - Our Farmington community garden will be getting a revamp this year.  This garden is an opportunity to reserve a garden plot to plant your favorite foods!  Sign-up information to come!

4)Sunflower Contest - We love it when our kids get involved with our community.  We will be having a Sunflower growing contest later this year.

We look forward to serving our community!!

-Carly Davis, Chair


Beautification Committee Officers:

President - Carly Davis

Vice-President - Anah Soble

Secretary - Kasandra Mullen



Agendas and Minutes