First Thursday of the Month (no meeting July, August and December)

The Commission is charged with the authority and responsibility of making recommendations to the Cities concerning the needs of children, youth, and families of the Cities and the appropriate means by which public and private agencies in cooperation with volunteer efforts may address such needs. The Commission may establish a community volunteer center to disseminate information and answer questions about community agencies and volunteer opportunities. It may develop and make available a resource information base in cooperation with public and private agencies. It may develop a coalition of community leaders to promote volunteerism among its citizens, businesses and their employees and other agencies. It may also promote and encourage the implementation of any program consistent with the purpose for which the Commission is established. This is a joint Commission with the City of Farmington Hills.

It consists of eleven (11) members who represent the general citizens of the Cities, students of the Farmington area schools, clergy, the school administration, the juvenile division and/or friend of the court agency of the judiciary, local business, regional and national business, the medical professions, local volunteer agencies, and regional volunteer agencies. Nine (9) members shall be appointed by the Mayor of Farmington Hills, subject to the approval by a majority vote of the members of the Farmington Hills Council. Two (2) members shall be appointed by the Mayor of Farmington, subject to the approval of a majority vote of the members of the Farmington Council.