Downtown Development Authority
Donovan Singleton
Karlyn Cassidy
Claire Perko
James McLaughlin
Shawn MacDonell Kavanaugh
Thomas Pascaris
Todd Craft
Johnna Balk
Mayor Pro Tem Ex Officio
Term Expires 2/28/2025
Kate Knight
DDA Executive Director
The Farmington City Council established the Farmington Downtown Development Authority (DDA) in 1986. The enabling ordinance establishing the DDA states that its purpose is to prevent deterioration of business, to encourage historical preservation, to authorize the creation and implementation of development plans, to promote economic growth, and to utilize tax increment financing within the district as authorized by statute.
The DDA is comprised of nine members. The DDA Board composition requires that a majority of its members must own property or have a business within the DDA District. In addition, the DDA Board must also have a resident located within the district or in close proximity.