Farmington Planning Commission notice of public hearing March 11, 2024 7 P.M.

Please take notice, the Farmington Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, March 11, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Farmington Public Library located at 23500 Liberty Street, Farmington, MI 48335 to discuss and review the City of Farmington 2025-2030 Capital Improvement Program.

The City of Farmington Capital Improvement Program Steering Committee and City staff have been working diligently the last several months updating the City’s 6-year Capital Improvement
Program in order to comply with State statutory requirements and the City’s Charter. The program will be incorporated within the City’s Master Plan.

All interested residents are encouraged to attend the public hearing to be heard, and any written materials concerning the Draft 2025-2030 Capital Improvement Program shall be received
and considered.

The Draft 2025-2030 Capital Improvement Program is available for review at Farmington City Hall located at 23600 Liberty Street, Farmington, MI 48335 during regular business hours. A copy is also available for review on the city’s website at

Kevin P. Christiansen, AICP, PCP, Planning and Building
Department Director
Publish: February 25, 2024, Oakland Press