Farmington Vision Plan
About Us
The 2013 Farmington Vision Project created a Vision for reinvestment in the community of Farmington, Michigan for the next 20 years. This vision plan creates direction for growth and development in the community. During the planning process there were several opportunities for community participation through visioning meetings and community meetings for gathering feedback on what the public considered to be important in moving the City forward in re-development. City of Farmington Vision Plan 2013
1998 City of Farmington Vision Plan/Report
Farmington Vision Plan Summary Report
Visioning Meeting #5
You are invited to attend the fifth meeting for the Farmington Vision Plan. At our last meeting the draft vision concepts were reviewed along with the brainstorming results. Project strategies were refined and expanded, and project prioritization was discussed.
Date: Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Place: Farmington Masonic Lodge, 23715 Farmington Road.
At this fifth meeting the planning team will be unveiling a draft of the Farmington Vision Plan. This meeting will be the final opportunity for citizens to engage and provide comments on the Farmington Vision Plan. Interactive stations and activities will be designed to gain your feedback and insight on this important community document.
Community Meeting #2
During the second community meeting for the Farmington Vision Plan, we began to dig down into specific topics and ideas. Some of the material presented included a review of past plans, an overview of current conditions, and a glance into the future. Community Meeting 2 Presentation
Visioning Meeting #4
Farmington Vision Plan Survey Results
You are invited to attend the fourth meeting for the Farmington Vision Plan. At our last meeting the draft vision components were revealed, and we brainstormed project strategies to accomplish each component of the vision.
Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Place: Farmington Masonic Lodge, 23715 Farmington Road.
At this fourth meeting we will review the results of the brainstorming session, and begin to refine our list of strategies, in essence the ‘rubber meets the road’. We are nearing the end of the project so please be sure to attend this important meaning that sets the course for implementing the vision.
What Will Be Presented
- Review Draft Vision Concepts
- Review Results of Brainstorming Session (Mtg. 3)
- Refine and Expand Project Strategies
- Identify project cost, responsible party, social and economic impacts
- Project Prioritization
Visioning Meeting #2
Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Place: Farmington City Hall, 23600 Liberty Street
You are invited to attend the second meeting for the Farmington Vision Plan. The Vision Plan is an opportunity for the community to actively participate in developing Farmington’s future. The first meeting focused on getting organized, and thinking big! At this meeting we will roll up our sleeves and begin to dig down into specific topic elements. Big, small, and visionary ideas will be discussed in an interactive setting. Your input counts so please join the meeting....or online.
What Will Be Presented:
- Where Have We Been? – A review of past plans and policies
- Where Are We Now? – A snapshot of existing conditions
- Where Are We Going – Creating the Draft Vision?
- Review input from PM #1
- Vision Reveal (Community Vision/Consultant Vision)
Kick-Off Meeting
The first meeting for the Farmington Vision Project will be held Monday February, 18 2013 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at Farmington High School in the cafeteria. All are welcome to attend this kick-off meeting for the Farmington Vision Project. The focus of this meeting is on the visioning process.
Message from the City Manager
"The world is much different today than in 1998. Farmington is much more ethnically and racially diverse, the regional auto-reliant economy is much different than 1998, and there seems to be a broader social movement toward more pedestrian oriented amenities which positions Farmington favorably. The visioning process also provides an opportunity to discuss the relationship between service and infrastructure needs and expectations with the necessary financial resources." - Vince Pastue (former City Manager)
Message from the OHM Vice President of Planning
"We're big believers of this. The visioning process helps to define what is special about Farmington. . . and helps develop a sense of place that becomes almost a brand. What's happening today in economic development is following where people want to live. It's not just going out and finding the businesses. You've engaged the community, you've put a road map in place. Now when you make changes, everything is following along with that process." - James Houk (OHM Vice President of Planning)
Project Manager - Aaron Domini
Community Engagement Lead - Charlie Fleetham