Permanent Ballot List

Any registered voter can now request to be added to the city’s permanent ballot list to automatically receive an absent voter ballot for every Election. If you are not on the Permanent Absentee Ballot List but would like to be added, simply check the box on any absentee ballot application to be added. Call the Clerk’s Office to receive an application.

With the implementation of the Permanent Absentee Ballot option, the State will be phasing out the Automatic Absentee Ballot Application List. In the past, voters on this list would automatically be mailed an absentee ballot application before every election. Once this option is phased out, voters who are not on the Permanent Absentee Ballot List will have to request an application.

  • The Clerk’s Office begins mailing absent voter ballots 40 days prior to an Election.
  • Ballots do not get forwarded. Ballots will automatically be mailed to the voters’ registered address unless a temporary address is provided.
  • Voters that wish to have their ballot sent to a temporary address should contact the City Clerk’s Office as soon as possible so that delivery of their ballot is not delayed. Temporary Change Address Form.

All voters who receive an AV ballot in person at the clerk’s office must present a photo ID or sign an affidavit. If the voter signs the affidavit, his/her AV ballot must be prepared as a challenged ballot.

Requesting an absent voter ballot if you are registered to vote at your current address

If you are registered to vote at your current address, your request for an absent voter ballot must be in writing and can be submitted to your city or township clerk. (For assistance in obtaining the address of your city or township clerk, see You may request an absent voter ballot through the mail by mailing the PDFapplication, PDFlarge print application, a letter, a postcard or a pre-printed application form obtained from your local clerk's office. Requests to have an absent voter ballot mailed to you must be received by your clerk no later than 5 p.m. the Friday before the election.

You also may request an absent voter ballot in person at a city or township clerk's office until 4 p.m. on the Monday before an election. If you request an absent voter ballot on Monday, you must vote it in person at the clerk's office.

Once your request is received by the local clerk, your signature on the request will be checked against your voter registration record before a ballot is issued.

You must be a registered voter to receive an absent voter ballot (but you can register and request an absent voter ballot at the same time - see below). Requests for absent voter ballots are processed immediately. Absent voter ballots may be issued to you at your home address or any address outside of your city or township of residence.

After receiving your absent voter ballot, you have until 8 p.m. on Election Day to complete the ballot and return it to the clerk's office. Your ballot won't be counted unless your signature is on the return envelope and matches your signature on file. If you received assistance voting the ballot, then the signature of the person who helped you also must be on the return envelope. Only you, a family member or person residing in your household, a mail carrier or election official is authorized to deliver your signed absent voter ballot to your clerk's office.

If an emergency, such as a sudden illness or family death prevents you from reaching the polls on Election Day, you may request an emergency absent voter ballot. Requests for an emergency ballot must be submitted after the deadline for regular absent voter ballots has passed but before 4 p.m. on Election Day. The emergency must have occurred at a time that made it impossible for you to apply for a regular absent voter ballot. Please contact Meaghan Bachman, Farmington City Clerk for more information about emergency absent voter ballots.

Spoiling your an absent voter ballot

In the event you need to spoil your absent voter ballot you will need to complete an Affidavit of Absent Voter form, linked PDFhere, and submit to the Clerk's office prior to being issued a new ballot. Possible reasons for spoiling an absent voter ballot include: lost, damaged, or not received by the voter through U.S. mail, inaccurately marking your ballot prior to election day, etc.

Spoiling a Ballot

Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act (MOVE)

Are you in communication with military or overseas civilian voters who are eligible to register and vote in Michigan? If so, we encourage you to inform them that new state and federal laws make it easier for military and overseas civilian voters to register and participate in elections. Most importantly, military and overseas civilian voters can now receive a ballot by email or fax to speed the voting process! The voted ballot must be returned by mail for security purposes. 

Military and Overseas voters can follow the link PDFhere to print off their application, and they can return it to the Clerk's Department at