Election Workers
Election Inspector
City of Farmington Election Inspector Application can be found HERE
Assignment and Training Information
- Your name will be placed on our Inspector list. The City cannot promise that you will work each and every election. Inspectors are assigned based on the type of election and the number of inspectors needed to administer the election.
- Prior to each election, invitation to work and assignment notification will be sent via email. Inspectors are also needed for the substitute inspector list, so even if you are not assigned to an election you might still be called on to work.
- Training is provided. Inspectors are paid $15 to attend training.
Election Inspector Training Material
Test Materials
For the Public:
The Life of an AV Ballot
Election Day Voter Information
For the Chairs and CoChairs:
Digital "Flipchart" - Managing Your Precinct on Election Day
Opening the Polls Video
Closing the Polls Video
Challenges Video
Non-Confrontational Techniques for Election Workers Training - CISA *NEW*
For All Inspectors
"The Appointment, Rights and Duties of Election Challengers and Poll Watchers"
EPB Procedural Videos
Campaign Apparel Handout
General Station Descriptions and Instructions
Non-Confrontational Techniques for Election Workers Training - CISA *NEW*
Binder Materials:
Receiving Board Checklist *updated*
Determining the Validity of Ballot Markings
Photo Identification at the Polls
Voter not on Registration List Decision Chart
Video Materials
Public Video - Protecting You and Your Vote - COVID
Public Video - The Absent Voter Process
How a Precinct Works - Farmington
Hal Votes His Absentee Ballot